kidoni.dev is the web site of Ray Suliteanu.
About Me
I am a software developer and writer/blogger. I write mostly about software development and related topics, but you never know what else I might throw in.
I have been a professional software developer for over 30 years. Originally I was a C programmer working onUnixkernel and administration/management software (Oracle online backup, StorageTek tape silo drivers/CLI) at Amdahl Corporation. Eventually I transitioned to writing enterpriseJava software in the fraud prevention space applying neural networks and otherML techniques to catch bad guys. Applying AI/ML to fraud prevention and financial crime has been a theme in my career, using it in areas such as credit card fraud, application/origination fraud, anti-money laundering (#AML), know-your-customer (#KYC), and identity verification.
More recently I have been learningRust and going back to my roots, to apply Rust to systems level programming. For example, I’ve purchased a Raspberry Pi 5 and want to teach myself how to write a native kernel for it in Rust.
Please bear with me as I migrate my blog posts from my existing Medium site to this self-hosted, self-managed and free site. Because I am removing the paywall, please consider buying me a coffee if you enjoy the content! I will probably also set up a GitHub sponsor link.
Stay tuned for additional content and features, like signing up for a notification when new blogs are posted.