Have you ever wondered how Git does what it does? What happens when you do a commit? You can read about some of this in the Git Book free online, like in Chapter 10 on Git Internals. But it doesn’t give you all the details, as I discovered. And I wanted another interesting “project” to help me on my continuing journey learning Rust. So why not poke around under the Git hood?

If all I wanted to do was use Git from Rust, there’s already a decent crate out there, git2, that wraps the C libgit2. And in fact this blog post (or series probably) was inspired by me trying to figure out git2/libgit2, since I kept having to try and figure out what was going on under the hood. I’d also briefly looked at the CodeCrafters Git course, and started working through the exercises using Rust.

However, for this blog I’m starting from scratch. The intent here is not to rewrite the Git client in its entirety, nor will I cover every aspect of the few commands I do cover. This is still about learning Rust, but with learning some Git internals at the same time. I am also going to assume some familiarity with Git and source code version control in general … I am not going to explain why using version control systems (VCSs) is a “good thing” nor go into the history of Git or VCS. If you do want some of the Git history, I recently read an interesting blog here on the Graphite blog. Speaking of Graphite I am also not going to talk about different approaches to doing development with Git (like the ‘stacking’ approach Graphite supports with their product).

So what will I cover?

  • creating a new empty repository (git init)
  • creating a Git object (git hash-object)
  • writing a Git object to stdout (git cat-file)
  • looking at Git config (git config)
  • looking at Git tree objects (git ls-tree)
  • looking at Git packs (e.g. git pack-objects, git index-pack, git unpack-objects and the like)
  • maybe look at git clone / git pull / git push

Who knows, maybe more (or maybe less). And to re-iterate, then intent is not to replicate the above commands in their entirety, but rather just enough to understand what Git is doing.

Let’s get started.

Initializing a New Repository

If you’ve got nothing to start from you create a new Git repository with git init. Without any other options, this will create the .git directory in the current directory, and it will create a few additional directories and files.

$ ls -a
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/foo/.git/
$ ls -al .git
drwxr-xr-x  - ray 25 Jul 16:03 -I branches
.rw-r--r-- 92 ray 25 Jul 16:03 -I config
.rw-r--r-- 73 ray 25 Jul 16:03 -I description
.rw-r--r-- 22 ray 25 Jul 16:03 -I HEAD
drwxr-xr-x  - ray 25 Jul 16:03 -I hooks
drwxr-xr-x  - ray 25 Jul 16:03 -I info
drwxr-xr-x  - ray 25 Jul 16:03 -I objects
drwxr-xr-x  - ray 25 Jul 16:03 -I refs

Before we continue it would probably help to explain a few key concepts in Git’s implementation. A lot more detail is in the Git Book and other sources. You can think of Git as a persistent (hash) map also known as a key-value store. More specifically Git is typically described as a “content-addressable store” but really that’s just a hash map. In the case of Git, the hash is a SHA-1 hash generated from the content being stored. These are “objects” and stored in .git/objects. SHA-1 hashes are 20 bytes which in hex ends up as 40 characters. The first 2 are used to create subdirectories in the .git/objects directory, and the remaining 38 are the filename. So given as hash of 0b7c8fd4fd2231304c72b781f7a791c39e31d963 you’d have a file path .git/objects/0b/7c8fd4fd2231304c72b781f7a791c39e31d963

The main object types in Git are blob, tree and commit. More on this in a subsequent blog. So the directory .git/objects is created during git init to store these objects.

Because the hashes are not that easy for humans to remember, Git supports a way to “refer” to objects with more human-friendly names. The use of HEAD is one example. This is just a “reference” to the current branch. The HEAD file created by git init contains a single line referring to the default branch created by git init.

$ cat .git/HEAD
ref: refs/heads/trunk

The name of this default branch depends on a few things. git init supports a command-line option --initial-branch or -b to specify the branch name. The ~/.gitconfig file can also have your preferred default branch:

$ cat /.gitconfig
    defaultBranch = trunk

This is how git init populates .git/HEAD. The value in the file is the path to a file in .git/refs/heads which contains the hash of the latest commit. But since this is an empty repository that was just created, there is no file .git/refs/heads/trunk yet.

Finally the .git/config file is created during repository initialization. This is referred to as the “local” repository configuration, containing repository-specific configuration overrides to the global (i.e. per-user) and system config. If you use the command git config --list --local it lists just the content from .git/config. At initialization there isn’t a lot of info. It contains a version number, and a few other things, some based on what options are specified to git init. For example the core.bare property is set based on git init --bare command line option.

$ cat .git/config
    repositoryformatversion = 0
    filemode = true
    bare = false
    logallrefupdates = true

The last thing I’m going to touch on for git init is the ability to specify a “separate” Git repository directory that should contain the actual repository and that is then “referenced” by the directory where git init would otherwise create the repository. That may sound a little confusing, so let’s show an example of the different options. Starting from /tmp/foo

$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/foo/.git/
$ git init bar
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/foo/bar/.git/
$ git init --separate-git-dir bar baz
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/foo/bar/
$ ls -a baz
$ cat baz/.git
gitdir: /tmp/foo/bar

The most common cases are #1 and #2 --- create the repo in the current directory (#1) or in the specified directory (#2). But look at #3 --- it says to create the repo in bar but refer to it from baz. In baz there’s a .git file rather than a directory and it contains configuration that points to the actual repository. You can do everything in baz that you would do if it were a “normal” Git repo.

Implementing Init in Rust

The Command Line

So let’s get to some code. One thing that everyone knows about Git is that it’s made up of a bunch of subcommands which take a lot of different options. I used the clap crate to define the commands and options. The clap crate is pretty much standard for working with command line options. While it provides a builder-style API I use the derive approach.

#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
struct Git {
    command: Commands,
#[derive(Debug, Subcommand)]
enum Commands {
#[derive(Debug, Args)]
struct InitArgs {
    #[arg(short, long, default_value_t)]
    quiet: bool,
    #[arg(long, default_value_t)]
    bare: bool,
    template: Option<OsString>,
    separate_git_dir: Option<OsString>,
    #[arg(long, default_value = "sha1")]
    object_format: String,
    #[arg(short = 'b', long)]
    initial_branch: Option<String>,
    shared: Option<String>,
    directory: Option<OsString>,

First you define your “main” command, in this case that’s git of course, so I define a struct Git. Clap infers the command name from the struct, but if you wanted it different you can customize it with e.g. #[command(name = “git”)]. The Parser derive directive tells Clap this is the place to start parsing the command line options. Within the struct I have an for the subcommands and tell Clap using #[command(subcommand)]. One thing I’ve omitted at this point are the options to the git command itself, which would be in the struct Git. In the enum Commands I start defining the various subcommands which I’ve started to implement. I tell Clap that this enum contains the subcommands using #[derive(Subcommand)].

What we’re concerned about right now is the init subcommand, and to make the enum easier to read when there are a lot of options for the subcommand, I split them out to their own struct InitArgs. These structs are declared to Clap as holding the subcommand arguments using #[derive(Args)].

Now we get into the interesting bit, how to define all the various possible arguments to the command. I’ve only scratched the surface, and haven’t implemented all the validation and grouping you could and need to do with the Git commands, but to call out some things you see in the code.

  • Clap infers the argument name from the field name, but you can explicitly set the value, in particular if you want a field name that’s more obvious while not matching the Git command arg name. A good example is the initial_branch field, where I specify the short argument name to be -b since otherwise Clap would make it -i since the field starts with an ‘i’. The long name is still --initial-branch as Clap infers.
#[arg(short = 'b', long)]
initial_branch: Option<String>,
  • To make an argument optional you can make the field type an Option or you can set a default value. You can see this in the object_format option, which makes the object_format field both optional and with a default value.
#[arg(long, default_value = "sha1")]
object_format: String,
  • Finally for now with Clap, look at the directory field which has no annotation. This is still an argument but with no short or long indicator, and it is also optional. This is how I get the behavior with git init of optionally specifying the directory to create:
git init
git init foo

Moving on to the main method,

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    let git = Git::parse();
    match git.command {
        Commands::Init(args) => init_command(args),
        Commands::CatFile(args) => cat_file_command(args),
        Commands::HashObject(args) => hash_object_command(args),
        Commands::Config(args) => config_command(args),

to have Clap parse the command line you call the parse() method on the struct that was annotated with Parse. If there are any issues parsing or validating the config, parse() will exit and print help text.


A help command is automatically created by Clap.

Otherwise you get back the struct Clap parsed. Then it’s simple enough to just match on the enum commands.

Creating the Repository

The first thing to do is create all the required directories and files, as described in the first section. This is complicated by the ability to have a separate Git repo with the --separate-git-dir option I mentioned. There are 3 possibilities for the actual repo directory

  • the current directory
  • the directory passed to git init as the last parameter
  • the directory provided to the --separate-git-dir option.

On top of that, if there is a separate repo directory provided, we need to determine where to create the link file --- the current directory or the directory passed to git init.

fn init_command(args: InitArgs) -> io::Result<()> {
    let (git_parent_dir, separate_parent_dir) =
        get_git_dirs(args.directory, args.separate_git_dir)?;
    let actual_git_parent_dir = match separate_parent_dir {
        Some(dir) => {
            // make link to dir
            if !git_parent_dir.exists() {
            let dot_git_file = git_parent_dir.join(GIT_DIR_NAME);
            fs::write(&dot_git_file, format!("gitdir: {}\n", dir.display()))?;
        None => git_parent_dir,
    if !actual_git_parent_dir.exists() {
        debug!("creating {:?}", actual_git_parent_dir);

The first thing I do is look at the args.directory and args.separate_git_dir arguments that were provided on the command line. I separated this into a function get_git_dirs() which returns a tuple. The first item in the tuple is either the value provided on the command line or the current directory if not specified. The second value of the tuple is the separate directory that was provided, if there was one, so it returns an Option so None can indicate no separate directory. The first tuple value is always a valid directory since there’s always a current directory to use if no argument was provided on the command line.

fn get_git_dirs(
    directory: Option<OsString>,
    separate_git_dir: Option<OsString>,
) -> io::Result<(PathBuf, Option<PathBuf>)> {
    let git_parent_dir = if let Some(dir) = directory {
    } else {
    let separate_parent_dir =
        separate_git_dir.map(|dir| path::absolute(dir.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap());
    Ok((git_parent_dir, separate_parent_dir))

The returned values are also converted to PathBuf with absolute paths.

Back in the init_command() method, if there was a separate directory provided, then I create the link file at the location returned as the first argument in the tuple, writing the path to the separate directory.

At this point we know where to create the actual repository directory and contents, so at line 20 in init_command() I go and create that directory. Then as shown next I create the required subdirectories:

    for dir in [
    ] {
        let path = actual_git_parent_dir.join(dir);
        trace!("created {}", &path.display());

I have defined constants for the various directory names e.g. .git/objects/pack or .git/refs/heads and what not. Next I create the .git/HEAD file

    let path_buf = actual_git_parent_dir.join(GIT_HEAD.as_path());
    let branch_name =
            .unwrap_or_else(|| match GIT_CONFIG.get("init.defaultBranch") {
                Some(&ref branch) => branch.to_string(),
                None => GIT_DEFAULT_BRANCH_NAME.to_string(),
        format!("ref: refs/heads/{branch_name}\n"),

If the user passed in the -b or --initial-branch option I use that value, otherwise I use the value specified in ~/.gitconfig. If there are neither, then the current Git default master is used.

A Note on Git Config

You’ll have noticed I have a static called GIT_CONFIG which is a map. I use the lazy-static crate to define it and a few other things:

lazy_static! {
    static ref GIT_CONFIG: HashMap<String, String> =
        load_git_config().unwrap_or_else(|_| HashMap::default());
    // NOTE: GIT_PARENT_DIR will panic if used during 'init' command processing
    // since there of course is no .git dir to find the parent of yet!
    static ref GIT_PARENT_DIR: PathBuf = find_git_parent_dir();
    static ref GIT_HEAD: PathBuf = PathBuf::from(".git/HEAD");
    static ref GIT_REPO_CONFIG_FILE: PathBuf = PathBuf::from(".git/config");

I will touch on the git config command in a subsequent blog post, but for now I am just reading ~/.gitconfig which is considered “global” config and what you’d see with git config --list --global.

Coming Up Next

In this blog I hope you gained some insight into both how Git builds and structures its repository, as well as some increased understanding of the clap crate. As we get into some of the other Git commands, I’ll continue to touch on clap when there’s something new or interesting.

Stay tuned for subsequent blogs coming soon. I will get into the git hash-object command which helps understand the on-disk format of objects. This will then lead nicely into the git cat-file command to “reverse” the process … going from the on-disk object format back to human readable content.

As always, please comment if you notice anything I could do better with my Rust coding as I’m doing this to learn Rust better. If there are idiomatic things that I could do that I’m not, let me know! And any other comments on the content or possible future content, let me know!

If you enjoyed this content, and you’d like to support me, consider buying me a coffee


Ooops! I found a bug in the way I was handling the git init --separate-git-dir option. The problem stems from the fact that the directory specified with git init like git init foo is the parent of the repository to create i.e. that will create foo/.git. However, the directory given to --separate-git-dir is the actual place to create the repo files, not the parent of a .git directory. Here is the updated code. (I also changed the constants I have to remove “.git/” as a prefix, but I don’t include those minor changes here.)

fn init_command(args: InitArgs) -> io::Result<()> {
    let (git_parent_dir, separate_git_dir) = get_git_dirs(args.directory, args.separate_git_dir)?;
        "git dir: {:?}\tseparate dir: {:?}",
        git_parent_dir, separate_git_dir
    let actual_git_parent_dir = match separate_git_dir {
        Some(dir) => {
            // make link to dir
            if !git_parent_dir.exists() {
                debug!("creating {:?}", git_parent_dir);
            let dot_git_file = git_parent_dir.join(GIT_DIR_NAME);
            debug!("creating {:?}", dot_git_file);
            fs::write(&dot_git_file, format!("gitdir: {}\n", dir.display()))?;
        None => {
            if !git_parent_dir.exists() {
                debug!("creating {:?}", git_parent_dir);