This post continues from where I left off in the first post that covered creating a new empty repository. You can read it here. To briefly summarize the goal of this series of posts, I am on a journey to learn Rust and for me the best way is doing “real” stuff. In this case I’m looking at the internals of Git, by implementing some of the many commands available.

After the first post I am able to create a new repository. Let’s start to look at what Git stores and how it does so. As we saw in the first post, after git init we have a directory .git/objects. Content is stored in files under that base objects directory by using a SHA-1 hash of the contents being stored. Git provides a command git hash-object which allows generating the hash based on content, and optionally writing that file to .git/objects. However, that doesn’t mean that git hash-object is just a fancy wrapper around sha1sum or similar tools.

$ echo "hello world" | sha1sum
22596363b3de40b06f981fb85d82312e8c0ed511  -
$ echo "hello world" | git hash-object --stdin

That’s because each object stored by Git has a header in addition to the file content, identifying the type of object. The object types in Git are

  • blob --- the actual data the user is adding to Git; if you’re committing to Git, the content of is stored as a blob object.
  • tree --- a tree object stores a mapping from object hashes to the human-readable file/directory names; it also stores the file permissions (mode).
  • commit --- this is what most people would think of being stored in a VCS; in Git it’s basically an aggregate --- it references tree objects, stores the comment message, metadata like the commit author, possibly the commit signature, and such like.

As an example, let’s say our initial commit of a new Rust project had a Cargo.toml file and src/ and src/ files. You might end up with an object graph like

git object tree

Note that in and of themselves, blob objects don’t know anything about themselves --- a complete lack of self-awareness as it were. The fact that blob 2a3b holds content for a file we know as that has 0644 file permission is only captured in the tree object. We will get more into the details of each as we go along.

One last thing to mention is that all the object contents are encoded/compressed with ZLib.


Let’s start our Rust code looking at blob objects. We are going to implement some of the git hash-object command. First let’s look at the command arguments to be parsed by clap

#[derive(Debug, Args)]
struct HashObjectArgs {
    #[arg(short = 't', default_value = "blob")]
    obj_type: String,
    #[arg(short = 'w', default_value = "false")]
    write_to_db: bool,
    #[arg(long, default_value = "false")]
    stdin: bool,
    #[arg(long, default_value = "false")]
    literally: bool,
    #[arg(last = true)]
    file: Option<Vec<OsString>>,


I’m not showing all the command arguments available to git hash-object.

Everything in struct HashObjectArgs should be familiar from my first post, except for the file field at the end, lines 11—12. Many Git commands have a syntax where a -- indicates the end of the command line arguments and the beginning of “raw” arguments, typically file paths. Tell clap using #[arg(last = true)]. Combine that with the type Option<Vec<OsString>> and we can now optionally take a list of files e.g.

git hash-object -- file1 file2 file3

Given the clap setup and an update to the match in main() as shown in the previous post, I wrote a new function hash_object_command(args) which currently only supports the --stdin option. I also support the -w option which will create a file in .git/objects.

        let mut stdin = stdin();
        let mut input = Vec::new();
        let read = stdin.read_to_end(&mut input)?;
        let obj_header = format!("{} {read}\0", args.obj_type);
        let obj_header = obj_header.as_bytes();
        let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(obj_header.len() + input.len());
        buf.append(&mut obj_header.to_vec());
        buf.append(&mut input);
        let hash = generate_hash(&buf);
        let encoded = encode_obj_content(&buf)?;
        if args.write_to_db {
            write_object(&encoded, &hash)?;
        println!("{}", hash);

I read all the content into a buffer input and then construct the object header. The object header is of the form type len\0 --- the object type, in this case blob then a space and the length of the content that follows the null byte. Then I build a buffer combining the header and the object contents read from stdin. Following that I have three helper functions, to generate the hash string, encode/compress the file contents with ZLib and write out the file. Finally the object hash is printed to stdout.

fn generate_hash(buf: &[u8]) -> String {
    let mut hasher = Sha1::new();
    let sha1_hash = hasher.finalize();
fn encode_obj_content(content: &[u8]) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
    let mut encoder = ZlibEncoder::new(Vec::new(), Compression::default());
    let result = encoder.finish()?;
fn write_object(encoded: &[u8], hash: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
    let (dir, name) = hash.split_at(2);
    let git_object_dir = get_git_object_dir();
    let full_dir = git_object_dir.join(dir);
    let file_path = full_dir.join(name);
    debug!("writing to {}", file_path.display());
    let mut file = File::create(file_path)?;

To do the SHA-1 hash, I use the sha1 crate. Most hash/digest and compression libraries follow a common pattern

  • input all the data to process
  • call an “I’m done” function

The Sha1 type follows this pattern (lines 2—4) and then using the hex crate I take the bytes to produce the 40 character usable string representation.

To do the ZLib encoding, I use the flate2 crate, which follows the same pattern --- lines 9—11.

Finally, if the user provided the -w option the write_object() method is called at line 15. First I take the 40 character hash string and split it into the first 2 characters and the remaining 38, to construct the directory name and file name respectively. I then construct the PathBuf representing .git/objects/xx where xx are those first 2 characters. If this directory needs to be created, I do so. Finally, after constructing the PathBuf for the full path including the filename, I write out the ZLib encoded contents.

Starting from a fresh repository, running this you’ll see something like

$ ls .git/objects/
branches  hooks  info  pack
$ echo "hello world" | rust-git hash-object --stdin -w
$ ls .git/objects/
3b  branches  hooks  info  pack
$ ls .git/objects/3b

You can use the git cat-file command (which we’ll get to next post) and verify that my Rust version “did the right thing” as well as a few other commands you could run including the “reverse” operation showing the raw contents using pigz (or some other utility that can decompress ZLib data).

$ git cat-file -p 3b18
hello world
$ file .git/objects/3b/18e512dba79e4c8300dd08aeb37f8e728b8dad
.git/objects/3b/18e512dba79e4c8300dd08aeb37f8e728b8dad: zlib compressed data
$ xxd .git/objects/3b/18e512dba79e4c8300dd08aeb37f8e728b8dad
00000000: 789c 4bca c94f 5230 3462 c848 cdc9 c957  x.K..OR04b.H...W
00000010: 28cf 2fca 49e1 0200 4411 0689            (./.I...D...
$ cat .git/objects/3b/18e512dba79e4c8300dd08aeb37f8e728b8dad |pigz -d -
blob 12hello world

Next Time

The next blog will go on to implement the git cat-file command so we can look at the contents of objects. It is effectively the reverse of the git hash-object command.

As always, please comment if you notice anything I could do better with my Rust coding as I’m doing this to learn Rust better. If there are idiomatic things that I could do that I’m not, let me know! And any other comments on the content or possible future content, let me know!

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