In this post we’ll cover the Git cat-file command. Previous posts in this series are

The Git cat-file command let’s you dump the contents of a Git object. You cannot view Git object files directly since they are compressed as well as having headers, as we saw in the second post on hash-object. The cat-file command is essentially the inverse of the hash-object command.

With cat-file you have four primary options with respect to viewing the file:

  • pretty-print the content --- the -p command-line option
  • print the type of the object --- the -t command-line option
  • print the size of the object --- the -s command-line option
  • check for the existence of the object --- the -e command-line option

Each option is exclusive of the others --- you can only specify one. I will show how this is achieved using clap (well, one way). There are other things you can do, such as batch (i.e. bulk) operations, but I will not cover that in this post. You can learn more here.

Handling the command-line options

Preparatory Work

As mentioned, the -e option just tests for the existence of the object and the process return code should be 0 if found, 1 if there’s a problem --- standard Unix. At the same time I wanted to keep the details local to the command, and have the main() method be ignorant. There was also some code duplication creeping in with respect to the error handling, so what I have done is included the thiserror crate, and defined my own error enum:

pub type GitResult<T> = Result<T, GitError>;
pub type GitCommandResult = GitResult<()>;
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub(crate) enum GitError {
    #[error("Not a valid object name {obj_id}")]
    InvalidObjectId { obj_id: String },
    #[error("I/O error")]
    Io {
        source: io::Error,

So far the commands I have implemented have only had two errors --- either an underlying I/O error (e.g. couldn’t open a file) or something wrong with the provided object id from the user. The thiserror crate makes it easy to define custom error types. I wrote a blog on it, so I won’t go into details here. Check it out if you like.

For convenience I also created some type aliases for custom Result types, rather than using the std::io::Result everywhere as I had been doing.

The main() method changed to have the return type be std::process::ExitCode and I return the exit code explicitly based on the result.

    let result = match git.command {
        Commands::Init(args) => init::init_command(args),
        Commands::CatFile(args) => cat_file::cat_file_command(args),
        Commands::HashObject(args) => hash_object::hash_object_command(args),
        Commands::Config(args) => config::config_command(args),
    if result.is_ok() {
    } else {
        eprintln!("{}", result.err().unwrap());

I then changed all the return signatures from the various command handlers to return GitCommandResult e.g.

pub(crate) fn cat_file_command(args: CatFileArgs) -> GitCommandResult {


At some point I will probably refactor these command entry points such that there is a trait for a command, to make it explicit that each handler should take args and return a GitCommandResult but it’s not worth it at this point.

I also went through and pretty much everywhere replaced io::Result with GitResult.

Clap Changes

With that work out of the way, I updated the CatFileArgs struct so that the -e/-p/-s/-t options were mutually exclusive. To do this in clap you can use groups. One way to do that is to add a group option to the #[arg] definition as so:

#[derive(Debug, Args)]
pub(crate) struct CatFileArgs {
    /// pretty-print object's content
    #[arg(short, default_value = "false", group = "operation")]
    pretty: bool,
    /// show object type
    #[arg(short = 't', default_value = "false", group = "operation")]
    obj_type: bool,
    /// allow -s and -t to work with broken/corrupt objects
    #[arg(long, default_value = "false")]
    allow_unknown_type: bool,
    /// show object size
    #[arg(short, default_value = "false", group = "operation")]
    show_size: bool,
    /// exit with zero when there's no error
    #[arg(short, default_value = "false", group = "operation")]
    exists: bool,
    #[arg(name = "object")]
    object: String,

Here I added group = "operation" to group these mutually exclusive options together. You can read more about the clap group support here. As you may have noticed if you read the earlier blogs, I also added doc comments for each struct field. This is one way to tell clap what to use to print the help text. Here I just copied the text from the Git cat-file help text.

Pretty-Print Option

All of the options require the same up front work … finding the object based on the object id and reading it. At that point, the options for existence, type and size are trivial. For existence, we don’t even need to read the file --- we just need to see if we can find it. So I short circuit that in the cat_file_command()

pub(crate) fn cat_file_command(args: CatFileArgs) -> GitCommandResult {
    let result = util::find_object_file(&args.object);
    let path = match result {
        // if -e option (test for object existence) return Ok now, don't continue
        Ok(_) if args.exists => return Ok(()),
        Ok(p) => p,
        // if error already, return now, no point continuing regardless of -e option or not
        Err(e) => return Err(GitError::from(e)),

If it’s not the -e option, then I read the file. At that point, the only interesting thing is printing the content. For the size and type options, I just print those values.

    if args.pretty {
        match GitObjectType::from(obj_type) {
            GitObjectType::Blob | GitObjectType::Commit => {
                print!("{}", util::bytes_to_string(content));
            GitObjectType::Tree => {
                handle_cat_file_tree_object(obj_len, content)?;
    } else if args.obj_type {
    } else if args.show_size {

So let’s focus on the pretty-printing. Here, the blob and commit types are the same and trivial --- the content is just printed out. Where it gets more involved is handling the tree object. This is because each entry in the tree object is variable length and so the overall object size is variable length.

Each entry of the tree object contains the file permissions (standard Unix mode octal format) and a filename. The filename makes the row and resulting full Git object variable length. The file name is terminated by a null-byte and then there’s the 20-byte object hash:


The pretty-printed output of a tree object looks like

$ git cat-file -p 897d5c0a70cdd0bbc115d30ca9bbb6f1dc361268                                                                                                                                                           1
100644 blob 25eaa3bf19c719f454216e163cf0a072c6393783    .gitignore
100644 blob 02e4d202dcf03fcb985fcebe0af2c01b81b65f29    .gitmodules
100644 blob 261eeb9e9f8b2b4b0d119366dda99c6fd7d35c64    LICENSE
100644 blob b0b9c6aa63576d05442ee254a9563c64286ff079

Note that the output contains the object type (second column), but that’s not part of the content of the tree object entries themselves. So we have to look up each given object to find the object type, to be able to properly output each row.

Here’s the full implementation:

fn handle_cat_file_tree_object(content: &[u8]) -> GitResult<()> {
    let mut consumed = 0usize;
    let len = content.len();
    while consumed < len {
        let index = util::find_null_byte_index(&content[consumed..]);
        let end = consumed + index;
        assert!(end < content.len());
        let mode_and_file = &mut content[consumed..end].split(|x| *x == b' ');
        let mode = util::bytes_to_string(;
        let file = util::bytes_to_string(;
        consumed += index + 1; // +1 for null byte
        let hash = hex::encode(&content[consumed..consumed + 20]);
        consumed += 20; // sizeof SHA-1 hash
        let obj_contents = &mut util::get_object(hash.as_str())?;
        let index = util::find_null_byte_index(obj_contents);
        let (obj_type, _) = util::get_object_header(obj_contents, index);
        println!("{:0>6} {} {}    {}", mode, obj_type, hash, file);

The code iterates through the content buffer, maintaining an index consumed as data gets parsed. First the file mode and name is found by first finding the null byte to find the end of the file name and then splitting that on the b' ' separator. Next (line 14) the object id gets parsed. Given the object id, the code looks up the object to get the object type. The extracted tree info is printed to stdout. Repeat while there is still content.

This is a pretty straightforward, brute-force approach. Could it be optimized? Perhaps. In particular, extracting the object type currently requires reading the entire referenced object (line 17) so it can parse the header; the rest of the object content is discarded.

That said, this implementation of the cat-file command works for blob, commit and tree objects and the -e, -s, -t and -p options.

Depending on how you might try this out given the current implementation, you might find the code unable to find an object you specify or one that’s referenced in a tree object …

$ rust-git cat-file -p 25eaa3bf19c719f454216e163cf0a072c6393783
Not a valid object name 25eaa3bf19c719f454216e163cf0a072c6393783

And in fact if I look in .git/objects there is no such file

$ ls .git/objects/25/eaa3bf19c719f454216e163cf0a072c6393783                                                                                                                                                          2
".git/objects/25/eaa3bf19c719f454216e163cf0a072c6393783": No such file or directory (os error 2)

This particular object was “packed” up into a pack file.

$ git verify-pack -v .git/objects/pack/pack-ba0faee43dc0116b7966fe1beae5c44f29ca0779.idx | grep 25eaa3bf19c719f454216e163cf0a072c6393783                                                                             130
25eaa3bf19c719f454216e163cf0a072c6393783 blob   38 51 57043 1 0fc92519924a0af1fa2fb5fdbe03cc3904812a8e

Also, if you try other Git ways to specify objects like for example with HEAD or such human-readable names, my code doesn’t work

$ rust-git cat-file -p HEAD
Not a valid object name HEAD

Why? Well, it’s not smart enough yet :). The first issue with using the object hash has to do with how Git optimizes space with “pack” files. The issue with something like HEAD has to do with the notion of references which I mentioned in the first post. If you recall, something like HEAD is actually a file in .git/refs/heads/<branch-name> which then contains an object hash:

$ cat .git/refs/heads/more-rust-git

You can refer to the gitrevisions page to see details on this.

In the next post I will talk about pack files and enhance the cat-file command to be able to find packed objects. I will probably also add the support for the ref names like HEAD.

As always if you have any suggestions how to improve my Rust coding skills, please comment.

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